
My story

One of my passion is photography. I photograph everything wherever I go, and some of them end up being really crazy ones. Never miss a moment.

I look at a picture and always immediately say to myself, how will this story end. Of course when a story is told there is a beginning and end. I photograph that journey with my lens.

I capture moments that last a lifetime. I make it still with just a click of a button. When a moment in front of me appears to be particularly special, whether it be by beauty or experience, I capture it. I usually find a reason to justify taking that photo - symmetry, or color, or contrast - and it's my hope that my photography sheds light onto what I see and do on a daily basis.

"Photographers tend not to photograph what they can't see, which is the very reason one should try to attempt it. Otherwise we're going to go on forever just photographing more faces and more rooms and more places. Photography has to transcend description. It has to go beyond description to bring insight into the subject, or reveal the subject, not as it looks but how does it feels?"
- Duane Michals